monday cartoons

by twit

Rampant technical issues prevent embedding videos for reasons beyond the twit’s comprehension. Videos are available at the links.

From the Raw Story on Feb 25, 2008:

Sen. Hillary Clinton blames some of her presidential woes in part on unfair press coverage but said she believed Obama had come under increased media scrutiny in recent days.On Sunday, she urged donors to watch the latest episode of Saturday Night Live, which featured a skit mocking last Thursday’s CNN debate as little more than a love fest for Obama.

Video at this link. Additional videos of SNL sketches from the episode are available here, including Tina Fey’s “Bitch is the New Black” sketch.

The twit’s first response was ‘aaiiigh!’ but then she saw the video and how it really, really makes fun of Hillary, her string of losses and her unified lack of popularity. Her endorsement of the video because of its extreme depictions of the media is so out of touch it boggles the twit’s mind.

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