Hillary’s Perfect Metaphor

by lestro

Last night at the Democratic National Convention in Denver (you know, the one where the Dems are going to nominate Barack Obama as the first African American to ever top a major party ticket) Hillary Clinton was given a hero’s welcome unlike anything I have ever seen for a vanquished contender.

And while there were thoughts that Hillary might pull a Reagan and upstage the candidate (valid thoughts, given the whole placing her name into nomination and the fact that about 20 percent of her supporters still won’t support the candidate), Clinton gave a rousing speech that while lackluster in its support, contained all the right words about party unity.

From the very beginning of her speech, Hillary made it clear that she supports Barack Obama (though again today, she made it very clear to her delegates that she won’t advocate that they cast their votes for him) and her support is nice, but after that, the speech became an almost perfect Clintonian metaphor.

The speech was everything we’d expect in a Clinton speech: it was rousing, it was personal, it was emotional and it revved up the crowd. It really was a great speech that showed why she is a Top Dog in the party and why she deserved a primetime spot.

But the speech was also all about Hillary and her accomplishments, with an afterthought of support for her one-time opponent.

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